How Desiree Doubled Her Business, Added Leverage and Gained Back Time in Her Life

kcn kw kw arizona real estate success success story May 05, 2022

Like many of us, when Desiree got into real estate she wasn't aware of all that it takes to build a successful real estate company and for seven years her real estate career was a side job. In 2014, Desiree sold 18 homes and following year sold 24 homes! She continued to succeed in her career and eventually had so much business that her husband quit his job to help grow the business too. In 2018 she hired a transaction coordination company to take work off her plate and her business nearly doubled.

  • She went from selling 28 homes to 52 homes after making that hire and experienced her first taste of leverage.
  • Now Desiree is building a team within a team. 
  • She has the guidance of KCN behind her to help her through her growing pains.
  • She's also working less than she used to and has extra time to spend with her family. (She's a mother of four and cares for two of her nephews - she has a busy home!)
  • Desiree recommends for new agents to start building a database ASAP.
  • They should join a team so they can learn the business quickly and avoid the upfront expenses that typically cause people to leave the business.  

Should you start a team?

The answer is, it depends. If you're like Desiree and want build a team without taking on extra expenses and more work, building a team isn't your best choice.

On the other hand, if you want to take the risk and put in the hours so that you can build a legacy, then starting a team is probably a good option for you.

Of course there is always the option of starting a team within a team so that you can have the best of both worlds.

If you'd like to learn more about how Desiree is building a team within a team, reach out to our Director of Expansion, Patrick James at (907) 242-7653 or [email protected]

He can help you plan your next steps and overcome any obstacles you might be facing. He does that everyday with KCN agents like Desiree.

Have a question?
Email our Director of Marketing - [email protected] - and we'll answer it in our next post!
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